

Registration Fee Euro 290,00

Annual School Fee
The fee includes early hours and the meals served on Tuesdays and Thursdays

Euro 5.200,00

Heating Fee
May be paid in two installments

Euro 350,00

Secreterial Fee Euro 120,00
Cambridge International School fee Euro 550,00


Registration fee Euro 290,00

Annual school fee
The fee includes early hours and the meals served on Tuesdays and Thursdays

Euro 5.200,00

Heating Fee
May be paid in two installments

Euro 350,00

Secreterial Fee Euro 120,00
Cambridge International School fee Euro 550,00
“Plus” Program Euro 1350,00


“Giovani Editori”
(Mon, Wed, Fri from 1.30 pm to 4.30 pm, includes meals)

Euro 100/month
(only for students of the “Cambridge International” program)

Extended hours (Mon-Fri from 4.30 pm to 6.30 pm) Euro 50,00/month
Extracurricular courses Mon-Fri from 4.30 pm to 6.30 pm
Summer School To be determined



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Every day the school’s kitchen staff prepares lunch for its students: the menu, authorized by the local health office, varies according to the season.

We also provide special meals for vegetarian or vegan children and for children with food allergies / intolerances.

School trips

School trips are key moments in the lives of students and teachers.

Intense days, full of emotions, of discoveries, where relationships are consolidated and experiences are made.

Every school year, the pupils of Saint Denis Middle School will be offered a 2/3/4 day trip.

The destinations could be both in Italy to promote students' knowledge of their own country in its landscape, monumental, cultural or folklore, as well as abroad in order to witness firsthand the social, cultural and artistic reality of another country.

School outings

School outings are an integral part of our program and represent a valid contribution to completing the training of students, both from a human point of view, favoring their socialization, and from a cultural point of view, giving them the opportunity for new experiences and acquisition of knowledge.

The aforementioned activities require a precise and adequate planning prepared from the beginning of the school year that takes into account the cultural and educational purposes including:

  • integrate curricular preparation;
  • enrich the knowledge of nature and educate to respect the environment (visits to parks or / and natural reserves);
  • integrate general cultural preparation (trips to foreign or Italian cities, exhibitions, theatre or cinema).

Summer school

Saint Denis Middle School is open for Summer School activities , in the months of June, July and September. The summer days are  organized by our teaching staff, in an atmosphere of serenity and entertainment where our students can keep learning and having fun !

Theme weeks for activities in English

From Monday to Friday, 9.00-16.30 (welcome 7.30-9.00 and after school club 16.30-18.30)

Morning snack and lunch prepared by our kitchen staff

Weekly and multi-weekly registration options.

Saint Denis Middle School offers:

  • 20 hours a week of activities and workshops in English, as well as recreational activities in Englisg after 4.30 pm
  • 2 hours a week of activities and workshops in Spanish
  • one sports activity per day (swimming, tennis, fencing, judo, minibasket ...)
  • qualified assistance to help students with their summer homework
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